With over 400 projects worldwide, our specialists can apply their Professional experience to resolve your specific project needs.
Snapshot of projects where our specialists played a key role include:
Wind Energy
Tripod, Wind Farm and Solar Farm – Environmental and Social Due Diligence (ESDD) of a wind farm and a solar farm, Panama.
Root-cause analysis for deforestation by a renewable energy project.
Environmental & Social Due Diligence (ESDD) 6 wind farms in Chile.
Envision Wind Farms Project, Argentina. Environmental and Social Due Diligence (ESDD) for four (4) wind farm projects in Argentina.
Los Hercules 97.2MW Wind Farm Project, Argentina
Owners Engineer for Angelito 200MW Wind Farm Project, Argentina – E&S Gap Analysis
ESDD and Construction Monitoring Kosten Wind Farm, Argentina.
ESDD of three (3) Genneia-SMBC Wind Farm Projects, Argentina.
Pomona Wind Farm Project, ESDD Argentina
Bicentenario Wind Farm Project, ESDD Argentina.
Warnes Wind Farm, Confidential Client, Warness Bolivia. Biodiversity, Fatal Flaw Analysis and ESDD.
Orosi Wind Farm, EX-IM/FMO/BICSA, Costa Rica – Environmental and social annual operations monitoring
ESDD Chinchayote Wind Farm, Confidential Client, Honduras Environmental and social due diligenceand construction monitoring
San Marcos II Wind Farm, Confidential Client, Honduras Environmental and social due diligence review and construction monitoring
ESDD Peralta Wind Farm, Confidential Client, Uruguay Environmental and social due diligence, construction/operations monitoring.
Alisios Project Wind Farms, FMO/Proparco/OeEB, Costa Rica (2014-ongoing) – Environmental and social due diligence review.
Warness Windfarm Project in Bolivia. biodiversity management plans for birds and bats. Recommendations for improvements.
El Angelito Windfarm Project, Chubut, Argentina. Environmental evaluation of the project.
Environmental & social risk evaluation of two (2) windfarm projects in Brazil (Confidential Client).
El Ejido Jacume Tecate Wind Farm, Mexico: red flag assessment
Renewable energy projects (Windfarms) in Talara & Cupisnique, Peru: IFC-PS Gap Analysis
Penonome windfarm Project (Confidential), Panama. Assessment of noise and shadow flicker impacts on receptors.
Deforestation caused by the development of a windfarm project in Peru –Roadmap and recommendations for ESMS improvement.
Solar Energy
Construction Monitoring Report of a 150MW solar photovoltaic (PV) Project, Helios solar PV plant, Zacatecas, Mexico.
Honduras: Environmental & social monitoring of construction and operations of a PV solar power plant (confidential client)
Choluteca Honduras power project: Red flag assessment for the acquisition of two (2) potential Solar Projects Choluteca, Honduras.
El Velero PV ESDD. Project located in the Department of Leon, Municipality of Nagarote, Nicaragua.
Environmental & social evaluation (Acquisition Due-Diligence) of three (3) solar farm projects (Confidential Client), in Chile.
Red Flag Assessment, Choluteca solar power project, Honduras.
Bolivar Project PV Plants, Confidential Client, Uruguay/Chile/Brazil Environmental and social acquisition due diligence (E&S ADD)
Thermal Energy
Project Fast Argentina, E&S Gap Analysis against the Equator Principles
Hub River Power Plant ESIA, in Karachi, Pakistan, a study to assess the potential environmental impacts of a 1,200 MW oil-fired electric generating plant in Pakistan, for an $800 million loan from World Bank.
Canal Work
International audit of the Panama Canal Expansion Program (Construction) and its alignment with international standards.
International audit of the Panama Canal Expansion Program (Operation) and its alignment with international standards.
Grand Canal of Nicaragua ESIA. Hong Kong Nicaragua Development (HKND).
Environmental and Socioeconomic Feasibility Study (FS), Panama Canal Expansion Program: New Locks, Canal Dredging, Canal Widening and Related Construction. Panama Canal Authority (PCA), Panama
Ports and Airports
New Shanghai Deep Sea Port and bridge to mainland, Feasibility Study, China
Puerto Bahia’s, Colombia – Alignment of construction and operation with IFC Performance Standards.
Artificial Island Panama. Environmental Studies/Feasibility Study Artificial Island and Port at the Pacific Entrance of the Canal.
Environmental and social feasibility studies and port master planning (international standards). Port of Port of Santos, Brazil.
E&S Assessment for the Expansion of the Port of Praia, Cape Verde.
International environmental audit of six (6) international airports developed by Aerodom, Dominican Republic.
Environmental assessment of international airports in Mexico, Chile, Peru, Paraguay, Ecuador, Namibia, Sri Lanka.
Alignment of Puerto Bahia’s construction and operation with IFC Performance Standards (Cartagena, Colombia).
Oil & Gas
Eco-Oil ESDD, Panama. Environmental and social due diligence (ESDD) for the installation of a Slop oil recovery and treatment plant
Magdalena Logistics Chain and Impala terminals, Magdalena River, Colombia. Assessing alignment with IFC-PS.
IFC-PS Gap Analysis and Supplemental Lenders Information Package (SLIP) for offshore gas fields in Israel.
Environmental Impact Assessment and licensing for an LNG-fired Power Plant and associated FSRU in La Union, El Salvador.
Transport, bridges and roads
Environmental and social evaluation of transport alternatives for a corridor between Israel-Palestine (Gaza-Hebron).
Environmental Studies for Marine Traffic Risk Assessment. Port of The Americas (PTA) in Puerto Rico.
E&S evaluation of the VIADOM highway project and its alignment with IADB Environmental Safeguards, Dominican Republic.
Environmental and Social Due Diligence/Analysis of the 3rd Bridge over the Panama Canal. Manages the semi-annual monitoring (environmental, social, and health & safety issues) of construction works.
Third (3rd) Bridge Over the Panama Canal, Panama – Environmental and Social construction monitoring.
E&S ESDD and Construction Monitoring for Toll road in Colombia.
IFC-PS Gap Analysis and Supplemental Lenders Information Package (SLIP) for a mining project in Chile and Argentina.
Mining project in northern Colombia (Confidential): Gap Analysis, and Supplemental Lenders Information Package (SLIP).
Environmental Biological studies for the completion of an Environmental Impact Assessment of mining tailings discharges in the marine environment surrounding Lihir Island, Papua New Guinea.
Port of Matarani, Peru. Environmental and social due diligence (ESDD) for a port area handling mining ore from regional mines.
Port of Matarani, Peru. E&S construction monitoring for the expansion of a port area handling mining ore from regional mines.
Sustainable Coastal Tourism
Integrated Coastal Management Plan for the Pearl Islands Archipelago, Panama. Reaching multi- sectoral agreements to develop a zoning of commercial and development activities for more than 170 islands.
Sustainable Coastal Tourism in Asia (SCOTIA) Sri Lanka and the Philippines.
Sustainable Coastal Tourism Strategy for Northern Shore and Bay Islands, Honduras. Regional strategy World Bank funded.
Environmental Impact and Socioeconomic Assessment (EISA), Cap Cana Real Estate/Tourism Development Project. The Dominican Republic.
Feasibility Evaluation, Trump- Cozumel Island, Mexico. Coastal real estate and tourism development project on Cozumel Island.
Environmental and Social Due Diligence of the Ritz- Carlton Hotel Pearl Island Project, Panama.
Environmental and Health and Safety (EHS) Due-Diligence (ESDD) of a tire factory in Hadera, Israel. Effort included a broad level Sustainability assessment for a potential transaction associated with a tire manufacturing company.
Environmental and Social Environmental Assessment for nine (9) economic activities of USAID-INMA Agribusiness Program. Central and Northern Iraq.
Environmental and social studies for the Hydroelectric Project of El Diquis, Costa Rica.
Study and planning of climate change mitigation and adaptation measures in the development of 30-year urban growth scenarios planning for the City of Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Regional migratory bird assessment in relation to wind energy development. Patagonia, Argentina.